Do you know what food sovereignty is?

16 August, 2021 by Javer


This concept was first proposed in 1996 at the World Food Summit, organized by the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO). It was proposed by Via Campesina, a movement that defends family-based and sustainable farming.

If you are not familiar with the term, we will explain it to you. "Food Sovereignty" is the right of each person, community, and country to define their own agricultural, food and agrarian policies, so that they are ecological, social, economic, and culturally appropriate to their circumstances. It includes the right to food and food production. This means that all communities have the right to have food and the right to produce it in such a way as to ensure that it is safe, nutritious, and sustainable. Food sovereignty ensures that communities can sustain themselves over time.

Through our “Huertos Urbanos Comunitarios” environmental program, at JAVER we promote Food Sovereignty by ensuring that our communities have adequate infrastructure and educational resources to carry out these practices.

At the very end of 2020, there were 4 urban gardens in three projects in Nuevo León. Thanks to the efforts made to expand this program, the current infrastructure has been modernized and the program is now rolled out to new projects. Our goal is to double the number of facilities to reach 8 points with infrastructure that promotes Food Sovereignty.

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