Sustainability model

In order to always be at the forefront and operate with high commitment and quality standards, Javer evolves from its Social Responsibility Model to Sustainability.

This new Sustainability Management Model sets the standard for measuring, evaluating and monitoring the progress of the company's social, environmental and governance efforts to meet the needs of the present without compromising the capability of future generations.

sostenibilidad Javer

Each axe, linked to material issues for the company and its stakeholders, is aligned with the Sustainable Development Goals, the principles of the Global Compact, the Triple Bottom Line and responds to the requirements to apply for the ESR Distinction, the Global Reporting Initiative , and SASB standards.

Learn about the objectives and programs of the 3 axes.

Objective: Contribute to the development and growth of employees and build sustainable communities through the following aspects:

The themes encompass different social impacts that occur inside and outside Javer, therefore the main actions that contribute to community welfare were identified and the following flagship programs were formed:



Program that seeks to involve Javer's collaborators in the practice of activities that generate a social impact and support different causes not only in the communities created by the company through real estate development but also in the society in which it develops.



A program that, through donations in cash or in kind, promotes the encouragement and growth of causes relevant to the company and the society in which it operates.

Community Centers

Community Centers

Program that promotes the strengthening of the social net, community integration, the development of skills and knowledge with the neighbors, in order to offer them greater tools that promote their wellbeing.

Mortgage with services

Mortgage with services

INFONAVIT program that promotes the maintenance of common areas in housing developments.

Job generation

Job generation

A program dedicated to promoting decent work and economic growth through job fairs, entrepreneurship promotion, and workshops in the Javer communities.

Building and Growing Classrooms

Building and Growing Classrooms

A program that promotes access to free basic and higher education opportunities for construction workers in the projects developed by the company. In some of the Javer classrooms, the program is also open to the community.

 Respo Day

Respo Day

A program that promotes the recognition of the Javer mission by offering employees a holistic view of the importance of their activities within the company. It includes the 'Kids' version, which fosters a sense of belonging among employees' children to the company's activities.

Social Awareness

Social Awareness

Training program for collaborators and communities that promotes social awareness and the creation of agents of change that promote social responsibility and sustainability.



Program that seeks to integrate and raise awareness of socially and historically discriminated communities.

Objective: To combine efforts to counteract climate change, conserve biodiversity and make responsible use of natural resources through the following issues:

9 environmental management systems are derived from these topics, which allow us to control environmental risks and impacts and develop strategies to mitigate them.

Environmental management systems:

  • Environmental risk matrix
  • Environmental audit
  • Biodiversity
  • Water management
  • Materials Management
  • Integrated waste management
  • Greenhouse Gas Emissions (GHG)
  • Sustainable investment
  • Sustainable Green Areas

Through the following environmental programs, we engage with stakeholders towards environmental care and the mitigation of impacts generated on biodiversity.

Flagship programs:

Arborizando nuestras comunidades

Tree planting in our communities

Flagship program that seeks to plant trees in Javer projects through volunteering and equipment activities in order to improve the quality of green areas and the environment.

 Flora and fauna rescue

Flora and fauna rescue

Program through which rescue brigades recover the flora that can be used later in the Javer developments and the fauna found in the land to be cleared.

  JAVER’s Sustainability Award

JAVER’s Sustainability Award

A contest that gives university students the opportunity to develop projects that promote sustainable development, innovation, social action and contribute to improving the quality of life in Javer’s communities.

Plant nurseries

Plant nurseries

Javer’s Plant Nurseries is home to a large number of plants that are rescued, as well as those produced through the Germination Program of native trees and plants, which are used to equip the green areas of the company's developments.



Program that promotes recycling of materials and waste in Javer’s communities, offices and operations.

Urban Orchards

Urban Orchards

Program through which workshops are given to the company's stakeholders to help them learn how to produce and harvest their own food in 1 meter by 1 meter gardens in their community.

Environmental Awareness

Environmental Awareness

A training program for employees and communities that promotes environmental awareness and the creation of change agents who advocate for sustainability and respect for the planet.



A program through which native trees and plants are cultivated to supply the Arborizing Our Communities and Tune Up My Garden Programs, enabling adoption activities of assets by the Javer communities.

Enviromental Conciousness

Enviromental Conciousness

Program that equips the company's developments with 100% environmentally friendly playgrounds and furniture made from recycled plastic.



Certification supported by the International Finance Corporation (IFC), a member of the World Bank Group, which evaluates the energy and water efficiency that the property will have for the end user and the energy savings through the materials incorporated in the construction of Javer’s houses.

Tune my Garden

Tune my Garden

Contest aimed at Javer communities, in which they participate to win the chance to have their front yard renovated, improving the aesthetics and value of their homes and encouraging street cleanliness and community participation.

Objective: To encourage investment and economic growth, ensuring the company's sustainability through the following issues:

Integrating sustainable principles into the corporate culture makes the commitment genuine, therefore, the following emblematic programs are in place:



Actions that promote compliance with indicators and the submission of evidence to obtain awards and certifications.

ESG Training

ESG Training

Stakeholder training program focused on various environmental, social and governance topics.

Human Rights Promotion

Human Rights Promotion

Training and awareness program for employees on the subject and the company's strategies that support Human Rights.

 Culture of Legality

Culture of Legality

Training and awareness program for employees on the relevance of regulatory and legal compliance in the company.

Gifts with a cause

Gifts with a cause

Program that promotes the support of social causes through the purchase of products that are used as gifts from corporate at the end of the year.

Riesgos ASG

ESG Risks

Analysis of the main risks derived from environmental, social and corporate governance issues.