We joined forces with environmental programs. Earth Day

22 April, 2022 by Javer


As part of our commitment to the environment and commemorating Earth Day, at Javer we implemented new practices in our environmental programs. The propagation of flora is an initiative that we recently started and promotes growing our inventory through the replication of our rescued species.

This project will have results in the medium and long term since plant rooting and growth takes time. To date, the following plants have been replicated:

  • More than 30 Ruellia flowers
  • 3 species of Succulents
  • 10 lavenders
  • 10 rosemaries
  • 15 lengua de suegra (sansevieria trifasciata)
  • 50 amor de un rato (portulaca umbraticola)

We are sure that in a few months they will be ready to decorate the green areas of several of our projects.

Committed to planet earth.

At JAVER, we are committed to the conservation of the flora and fauna of the ecosystems where we develop our projects, therefore, we have focused on ensuring that our plant inventory is either native or adapted to the climatic conditions of the environment. This means that we do not introduce any non-native species into the ecosystem in which they will grow, minimizing any negative impact that this practice could have, and reducing their maintenance and water consumption.

We are proud to see day by day the evolution of this program that brings us closer to sustainability. Learn more about our efforts and contribution to the environment, here.

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