Sixth year with the Socially Responsible Company certification

01 March, 2023 by Javer


We are very pleased to announce that for the sixth consecutive year we received the Socially Responsible Company certification from the “Centro Mexicano para la Filantropia”. With this certification, we reaffirm our commitment with each one of our groups of interest and developing a path toward sustainability. This is proof of our constant efforts in increasing our value in the society we´re in.

Aligned to our social responsibility model, we impact with our activities and programs each one of our Sustainable Development Objectives, defined as a priority to Javer. However, since 2022, we decided to go further and underpin our secondary objectives, giving great priority to new education programs, water care and health, focused on our communities, employees, and suppliers.

Additionally, during the year, we publicly shared our commitment to generate safe spaces in which the integrity of people is respected. Also, we are constantly working in updating our policies in order to be efficient in our processes, giving transparency in them and focusing in developing high quality housing and giving a comprehensive service to our customers.

Finally, innovation is part of our DNA, so we will continue looking for more and better ways of improving what we do. Being a Socially Responsible Company is a responsibility of all of us at Javer and we are proud of being able to demonstrate it for another year.

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