Social Responsibility, actions that benefit our environment

28 January, 2022 by Javer


The beginning of 2022 makes us think about our environment and the path we have traveled as a Socially Responsible Company and the actions taken since the onset of the pandemic until today. During 2020, the health crisis posed major challenges to companies. The strategies that had been laid out at the end of 2019 and the beginning of 2020 had to be updated in order to maintain efficiency in operations.

We continued to move forward, but we required three essential aspects to stay on track. First, possess high resilience. Second, have robust technology systems, efficient management of operations, processes, and a culture of sustained improvement deeply rooted in the company. And third, the responsibility towards each of our staff members to safeguard their physical and mental health. The sum of these key points is for us a part of the Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) that we put into practice on a daily basis at JAVER since 2016, when we formalized our commitment and developed our CSR management system.

Programs and actions

We are proud that during 2021 the work was so efficient that we surpassed the goals we set for all our programs. We developed new projects such as the "Christmas Parade” (Caravana Navideña), which was implemented in three communities, “Garden Makeover” (Tunéame mi jardín), in which the neighbors' gardens were renovated using rescued plants. We also launched our cactus germination program and strengthened our environmental management systems to lessen our environmental impacts, among many other actions.

Another highlight was our "Planting trees in our communities" program (Arborizando Nuestras Comunidades), where we planted 515 trees, surpassing our goal for the year by 14%. We carried out our first virtual reforestation and promoted the "Adopt a tree " program (Adopta un Árbol) in our communities.

We are proud to be a Socially Responsible Company because we know that our actions are reflected both in the development of our projects and also in the programs that benefit our planet.

2022 brings new challenges that we will be thrilled to face along with our staff members, always mindful of benefit of each of the links in our value chain.

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