Recognized for the culture of inclusion and diversity at Javer

18 December, 2023 by Javer


Celebrating equal opportunities is a daily task at Javer. Additionally, in recent years, we have made a great effort to promote a culture of inclusion and diversity as well. Over the past two years, we strengthened our partnership with Inclú, an Argentine company that promotes access to employment for people with disabilities, and launched an extensive communication and awareness campaign on these issues.


In the framework of the World Disability Day, we were recognized by Inclú with the DEI Award for having the best practices in communication and marketing in Mexico during 2023. This is an acknowledgment that strengthens our commitment to society and our stakeholders.

With this great alliance, we have trained our Human Resources members in all our branches. Additionally, necessary adjustments were made in our sales booths to make them accessible.

Furthermore, we have embraced the commitment involved in offering housing solutions, and through our prototype of inclusive housing, we have advanced towards inclusion in our communities.

We aim to contribute to inclusion by supporting other causes such as Dilo en Señas, an organization with which we sensitized 60 of our collaborators on issues related to hearing disabilities. During a Silent Lottery, we all learned a bit of Mexican Sign Language and celebrated Mexican Independence.

Efforts to promote inclusion

Finally, supports like the recently made one to the Teletón promote Javer's impact reaching much further. The effort to foster an inclusive society by bringing medical treatments closer to children is a commitment that we renew year after year.

While 2023 was a year in which the focus on inclusion was a top priority, the commitment also grows, and at Javer, we will continue to focus on creating safe, accessible, and inclusive spaces for each of our stakeholders.

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