JAVER wins Socially Responsible Company award for fifth year in a row

10 March, 2022 by Javer


We are pleased to announce that for the fifth consecutive year JAVER was recognized as a Socially Responsible Company (Empresa Socialmente Responsable, ESR® for its Spanish acronym). We also reinforced our commitment to contribute to the quality of life of our communities.

This award is granted by the Mexican Center for Philanthropy (Centro Mexicano para la Filantropía, CEMEFI for its Spanish acronym), recognizing the commitment to continuous improvement and implementation of socially responsible management. 

What it took to win the recognition

Once again we achieved good marks in different fronts. Among the most outstanding were business ethics, quality of life, care and preservation of the environment, and community engagement.

Among the most important actions to highlight are our volunteering, virtual training, supplier evaluation and selection, tree plantings, rescues of flora and fauna, the germination of native trees, urban gardens, recycling campaigns, among others. 

This achievement has been thanks to the sum of efforts and teamwork of our staff members since we are all part of the change and ongoing improvement in our processes and operations, and joining efforts and acting together is what has allowed us to achieve our goals.

In this way, we spread and instill our social responsibility commitment to all our stakeholders. At the same time, we strive to benefit our stakeholders through the generation of added value, as well as continuing to pursue constant improvements to create a positive impact on our environment.

Award ceremony

The award ceremony of the ESR® 2022 distinctive will take place during the XV Latin American Meeting of Socially Responsible Companies, held online from May 31 to June 2, 2022.

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