Mexico's amazing diversity

21 September, 2021 by Javer


Mexico is a megadiverse country, in other words, it is one of the places with the greatest diversity of plants and animals in the world. It is estimated that almost 70% of the diversity of species can be found in our country.

Some of the factors behind our country having such distinction are: having at least 5 thousand endemic species of plants, which means that you won’t find them anywhere else in the world; cacti are the most outstanding in this criterion. Another reason is the diversity of species, as well as ecosystems, since we have from marine to tundra ecosystems, something that was thought to be seen only at the poles of the planet.

Biodiversity preservation is of great importance to us at JAVER, as we recognize that our operations have an impact on the environment. Therefore, we have developed several strategies that help us preserve flora and fauna in the regions where we operate. This guarantees the protection of the species found in the different ecosystems where we have a presence.

One of our most outstanding programs is the Rescue of Flora and Fauna. With this program, we extract plants and animals from the sites where we develop our housing projects. The plants are reintegrated into the green areas of the projects and with the animals two strategies are carried out, the first is that of intimidation, which consists of scaring away the animals by sweeping on foot and making noises, normally using pans, and the second one is by capturing and releasing them. After being captured in a cage, they are transported to reserves or ecosystems without impact, ensuring their survival. 

Through the years of the program, more than 16,000 plants have been rescued, with our flora and fauna rescue teams having covered more than 400,000 square meters on foot. This is equivalent to more than 40 football fields!

Describing our country with such an important quality is a great commitment for us, something we work for every day. We will continue to carry out conservation and awareness activities, ensuring that our future generations enjoy the wonders that our country and the world have in store for them.

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