Virtual Tree Plantings: the new way to support

26 November, 2021 by Javer


Although it sounds far-fetched, at the end of October, we carried out our first virtual tree planting as part of the "Octubre Urbano" event, which is one of our new adaptation strategies to face the COVID-19 pandemic.

What was the dynamic? 

During the second week of the month, we invited our staff members to adopt trees, particularly from Nuevo León, Jalisco, and the State of Mexico. 40 staff members were registered, showing great support for the initiative. In addition, during the third week we gave a lecture on the importance of trees and provided virtual training on the proper process for planting their adopted trees.

Over the fourth week we delivered the trees to each of our volunteers, who planted them in the following days. A total of 60 trees were planted, which will have an impact on an area bigger than 600 m2 throughout the states where we carried out the activity. We offered 7 species of trees, all native to each of the participating states. These will provide a myriad of ecological benefits to people and urban fauna, including habitat, air quality, temperature control, among others.

Thanks to the staff members who participated in this activity, we managed to carry out our first virtual volunteer program. We hope that in the coming months we can take this initiative to more states, increasing our impact in the 7 states where we operate.

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