Let's learn together to reforest our planet!

07 May, 2021 by Javer


Do you know how to plant a tree? You have probably already done it or, quite rightly, you think it is an easy task. To provide you a better picture, here are some tips that we practice in JAVER so that the next time you plant a tree it will grow nicely in its new home.

Step 1.- Dig a hole. It must be at least 10 centimeters away from the root ball of the tree.

Step 2.- Remove the tree from the bag or pot. Do not leave the roots uncovered for a long time.

Step 3.- Very carefully place the tree in the hole. Hold it from the base of the trunk and the bottom of the root ball.

Step 4.- The base of the tree should be 5 centimeters below ground level.

Step 5.- Fill only the sides of the root ball. Avoid covering the base of the trunk with soil.

Step 6.- Gently compact the soil you added with your hands (be careful to not overdo it).

Step 7.- Make a border around the covered hole with the remaining soil so that it can retain water.

Step 8.- Water generously and add soil if necessary. You can add a layer of leaves or bark to maintain moisture.

All done! You have planted a future source of oxygen for the planet. All that remains is to continue taking care of it so that it grows beautifully. In the last 4 years alone, we have planted more than 44 thousand trees in all our residential projects.

These steps have been followed for each of the 1,394 trees we have planted together with our staff members, suppliers, neighbors, and their families. We also adopt this practice with all plants and trees used to beautify our parks and sidewalks.

We are aware that climate change is one of the greatest challenges of the 21st century, that is why we strive to make our residential projects greener. The positive impact generated by all the trees planted is reflected in the fact that, in their lifetime, they will manage to capture more than 45 million CO2 from the atmosphere. Among the benefits this will bring to you and your family is cleaner air to breathe, to admire the wildlife that resides in those green areas, and to enjoy more shade that helps moderate and lower the temperature.

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