JAVER – TEC Partnership: Iterating with Your Community

02 July, 2024 by Javer


At Javer, we are committed to education because we know it brings multiple benefits to society. Aligned with Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 4: Quality Education, we aim to promote inclusive, equitable, and quality education, as well as learning opportunities for everyone.

During the semester from February to June, students from the ITERA student group at the Innovaction Gym of Tecnológico de Monterrey gathered on Saturdays to carry out, for the first time, the social service project "ITERAndo con Javer." The main objective was to train volunteers to conduct educational workshops for the children of the Valle Santa Isabel development, located in Juárez, Nuevo León.

In this way, we achieved the following impact:

  • 76 middle school children actively participated
  • 25 workshop students from TEC de Monterrey
  • 4 workshops implemented in our Community Center

These workshops addressed a topic of great importance today, giving meaning to the name of the social service: STEAM. This acronym stands for Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Mathematics. It is an educational approach that integrates these disciplines to promote skills in students that are connected to their interests and applicable in the real world. Iteration, which refers to repetition, encourages students not to give up and to foster constant innovation.

Sharing these learnings with our communities in partnership with educational institutions is a powerful and effective strategy to promote Sustainable Development Goals 4 and 17. The development of skills fosters a culture of continuous learning that prepares children and young people to face future challenges and contribute to overall well-being.

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